The 3rd Annual GCEIC Leadership Academy
​​​​October 29 - 30, 2024 - The Teaching and Learning Cycle
Facilitators: Mr. John Shows - Superintendent; Dr. Stacy Baudoin and Ms. Kimberly Alford, Asst. Superintendents - Pearl River County
The Teaching/Learning/Evaluation Cycle is a two-day workshop. Key topics will include the Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Cycle; Classroom Walkthroughs; and Teacher Evaluations. Each day practical strategies will be presented for use at participants' schools. Presenters will also provide an opportunity for Q & A as well as a presentation of scenarios for discussion with participants.
November 12 - 13, 2024 - The Mindset of Achievement: Working Toward a Common Purpose
Facilitators - Moss Point School District - Dr. Oswago Harper, Superintendent and the MPSD Leadership Team
This workshop will focus on the mindset of an achievement culture in schools and districts. Data shows that teachers are key to the mindset of achievement culture. For this reason, leaders who are looking to improve schools must first understand the importance of choosing teachers, monitoring teaching quality, establishing teacher expectations, and expecting a certain level of accountability. Then, a strong culture that includes "buy-in" from students will make schools have a more constructive and instructive environment. This workshop will be facilitated by the Moss Point School District leadership team, who steered the district to tremendous academic gains in 2023-2024. You won't want to miss this one!!
January 14 - 15, 2025 - The Equity Factor: MTSS, RTI, and Special Education
​Facilitators - Combined Administrative Team - Long Beach School District, Ocean Springs School District, and Pass Christian School District
​This workshop will focus on The Equity Factor: MTSS, RTI, and Special Education. Day 1 will overview High Quality Instruction, the MTSS process and the RTI process in general education. Day 2 will focus on Special Education, which is governed by state and federal laws in Mississippi and guarantees a free and public education for all students (FAPE). The processes for assisting regular education students with support and intervention that may lead to testing for special education can be murky and confusing at times. Partic​
​February 18 - 19, 2025 - Safety in the 21st Century School: A Fully Committed Approach for Leaders
Facilitators: Dr. Matt Dillon, Superintendent, Petal School District; Dr. Caterria Payton, Assistant Superintendent of Pascagoula Gautier School District and MDE 2023 Administrator of the Year along with other administrators and leaders from the PGSD team.
​This workshop will focus on Safety in the 21st Century School. Safe schools are elemental to students (and employees) physical and emotional well-being, and in-turn increases academic achievement. School districts across the country, including here in Mississippi, are experiencing a wide variety of roadblocks to safety. Acts of violence in schools have increased, and post-pandemic mental health has added a new dimension to the definition of school safety. Finally, social media brings with it a whole set of concerns. On Day 1 this workshop will focus on operational safety and discipline, while Day 2 will center around social-emotional well-being. Topics will include whole child education, anti-bullying efforts, and ways for adults to be a CHAMPIONS for children.
​March 11 - 12, 2025 - Budgeting, Planning, and Spending, OH MY!
(An Overview of School Finance)
Facilitators: Mr. Wade Whitney, Forrest County superintendent (Day 1) and the GCEIC Federal Programs Consortium Group made up of federal programs directors from GCEIC participating districts.
​This workshop will focus on the financial aspect of school or district leadership. Topics will include understanding school and district budgets (federal, state, and local funds), learning the basics of functions and objects, and aligning funding sources for school success. Day 1 features district and state funding, planning, and budgeting, and Day 2 features an overview and the essential components of federal (title) funding. Each day practical strategies will be presented for use at participants' schools. Presenters will also provide an opportunity for Q & A as well as a presentation of scenarios for discussion with participants.
​April 8 - 9, 2025 (Bonus Addition Workshop - Trending Topics in Education: Artificial Intelligence and Data-Proven Habits for Leaders
Facilitators: Mr. Chris Chism, Pearl Superintendent and selected GCEIC Leadership
This workshop will feature two BONUS TOPICS - Day 1: Educational Technology and Artificial Intelligence and Day 2: Be the Unicorn: 12 Data-Driven Habits that Separate the best Leader from the Rest.
Artificial Intelligence and school technology is a hot topic for today's leaders. On Day 1: Mr. Chris Chism , Pearl superintendent will join us for a presentation on AI and technology -- You don't want to miss this! On Day 2: participants will take time to round-out the leadership series, look back over the school year, and examine some data-driven leadership qualities-- Unicorn Leadership!